Dr. Jenny Wüstenberg


Read: Memory & Democracy

January 17, 2024
New article in EUROM's European Observatory on Memory December 2023 issue:  Memory and democracy: a complex relationship...

Read: Mnemonic Democracy

January 17, 2024
New article in European Consortium on Political Research's The Loop (Political Science blog), No.104/2023 Mnemonic democracy: the role of memory in politics...

Keynote on Remembering Extinction at the Frankfurt Memory Studies Platform, 23 January 2024

January 15, 2024
Jenny will be in her hometown of Frankfurt to give a keynote as part of the Frankfurt Memory Studies Platform's series "New Frontiers in Memory...

At the DeMontfort University (Leicester) History Research Seminar

January 23, 2023
Jenny will be discussing “Slow Memory in an Accelerating World: Remembering Species Extinction” at 16:30 on 25 January 2023. Hybrid option available and lots of...

Launch: Handbook of Memory Activism

January 23, 2023
Please join my co-editor Yifat Gutman and me for the UCLA Working Group in Memory Studies online launch of our Handbook (5 years in the...

Visiting Fellowship in Canberra

September 23, 2022
Hosted by Prof. Rosanne Kennedy, Jenny is looking forward to spending 2 weeks in November in Canberra at the Research School of Humanities at Australian...

Memory Studies Association conference 2023

May 20, 2022
The next Memory Studies Association conference will happen in Newcastle (UK), 3-7 July 2023. The theme will be “Communities and Change”. Stay tuned for the...

Article on Slow Memory published

May 20, 2022
Check out Jenny’s recent article on “Slow Memory”: https://theconversation.com/climate-and-extinction-crises-move-too-slowly-for-us-to-pay-attention-heres-theanswer-174556...

COST Action on Slow Memory conference from 7-10 June 2022

May 20, 2022
The COST Action on Slow Memory is holding its first in-person conference from 7-10 June 2022 on the Isle of Portland, on the Jurassic Coast...
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